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Namespace TraceSpanSummary

Summary of the information pertaining to the spans in the trace window that is being queried.



errorSpanCount: number

The number of spans with errors that have been processed by the system for the trace. Note that the number of spans with errors will be less than or equal to the total number of spans in the trace. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


isFault: boolean

Boolean flag that indicates whether the trace has an error.


key: string

Unique identifier (traceId) for the trace that represents the span set. Note that this field is defined as traceKey in the API and it maps to the traceId in the trace data in Application Performance Monitoring.

Optional rootSpanDurationInMs

rootSpanDurationInMs: undefined | number

Time taken for the root span operation to complete in milliseconds. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional rootSpanOperationName

rootSpanOperationName: undefined | string

Root span name associated with the trace. This is the flow start operation name. Null is displayed if the root span is not yet completed.

Optional rootSpanServiceName

rootSpanServiceName: undefined | string

Service associated with the trace.

Optional serviceSummaries

serviceSummaries: Array<TraceServiceSummary>

A summary of the spans by service.


spanCount: number

The number of spans that have been processed by the system for the trace. Note that there could be additional spans that have not been processed or reported yet if the trace is still in progress. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


timeEarliestSpanStarted: Date

Start time of the earliest span in the span collection.


timeLatestSpanEnded: Date

End time of the span that most recently ended in the span collection.

Optional timeRootSpanEnded

timeRootSpanEnded: Date

End time of the root span for the span collection.

Optional timeRootSpanStarted

timeRootSpanStarted: Date

Start time of the root span for the span collection.


traceDurationInMs: number

Time between the start of the earliest span and the end of the most recent span in milliseconds. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


traceErrorCode: string

Error code of the trace.


traceErrorType: string

Error type of the trace.


traceStatus: string

The status of the trace. The trace statuses are defined as follows: complete - a root span has been recorded, but there is no information on the errors. success - a complete root span is recorded there is a successful error type and error code - HTTP 200. incomplete - the root span has not yet been received. error - the root span returned with an error. There may or may not be an associated error code or error type.


