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Namespace AutonomousDbPreviewVersionSummary

The Autonomous Database preview version. Note that preview version software is only available for Autonomous Database Serverless instances.


Optional dbWorkload

dbWorkload: DbWorkload

The Autonomous Database workload type. The following values are valid:

- OLTP - indicates an Autonomous Transaction Processing database - DW - indicates an Autonomous Data Warehouse database - AJD - indicates an Autonomous JSON Database - APEX - indicates an Autonomous Database with the Oracle APEX Application Development workload type.

This cannot be updated in parallel with any of the following: licenseModel, dbEdition, cpuCoreCount, computeCount, computeModel, adminPassword, whitelistedIps, isMTLSConnectionRequired, privateEndpointLabel, nsgIds, dbVersion, isRefreshable, dbName, scheduledOperations, dbToolsDetails, isLocalDataGuardEnabled, or isFreeTier.

Optional details

details: undefined | string

A URL that points to a detailed description of the preview version.

Optional timePreviewBegin

timePreviewBegin: Date

The date and time when the preview version availability begins.

Optional timePreviewEnd

timePreviewEnd: Date

The date and time when the preview version availability ends.


version: string

A valid Autonomous Database preview version.


