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Namespace DeterministicEncryptionFormatEntry

The Deterministic Encryption masking format encrypts column data using a cryptographic key and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 128). It can be used to encrypt character and number columns. It can encrypt ASCII data without any input (except seed value), but it needs a regular expression to encrypt non-ASCII data.

Deterministic Encryption is a format-preserving, deterministic and reversible masking format, which requires a seed value while submitting a masking work request. Passing the same seed value when masking multiple times or masking different databases ensures that the data is masked deterministically. To learn more, check Deterministic Encryption in the Data Safe documentation.


Optional description

description: undefined | string

The description of the format entry.

Optional regularExpression

regularExpression: undefined | string

The regular expression to be used for masking. For data with characters in the ASCII character set, providing a regular expression is optional. However, it is required if the data contains multi-byte characters. If not provided, an error is returned when a multi-byte character is found.

In the case of ASCII characters, if a regular expression is not provided, Deterministic Encryption can encrypt variable-length column values while preserving their original format.

If a regular expression is provided, the column values in all the rows must match the regular expression. Deterministic Encryption supports a subset of the regular expression language. It supports encryption of fixed-length strings, and does not support * or + syntax of regular expressions. The encrypted values also match the regular expression, which helps to ensure that the original format is preserved. If an original value does not match the regular expression, Deterministic Encryption might not produce a one-to-one mapping. All non-confirming values are mapped to a single encrypted value, thereby producing a many-to-one mapping.

Const type



