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Namespace FindingAnalyticsDimensions

The scope of analytics data.


Optional key

key: undefined | string

Each finding in security assessment has an associated key (think of key as a finding's name). For a given finding, the key will be the same across targets. The user can use these keys to filter the findings.

Optional severity

severity: Severity

The severity (risk level) of the finding.

Optional targetId

targetId: undefined | string

The OCID of the target database.

Optional title

title: undefined | string

The short title of the finding.

Optional topFindingCategory

topFindingCategory: undefined | string

The category of the top finding.

Optional topFindingStatus

topFindingStatus: TopFindingStatus

The status of the top finding. All findings will have "severity" to indicate the risk level, but only top findings will have "status". Possible status: Pass / Risk (Low, Medium, High)/ Evaluate / Advisory / Deferred Instead of having "Low, Medium, High" in severity, "Risk" will include these three situations in status.


