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Namespace SqlFirewallViolationAggregationDimensions

The details of the aggregation dimensions used for summarizing SQL violations.


Optional clientIp

clientIp: Array<string>

The IP address of the host from which the session was spawned.

Optional clientOsUserName

clientOsUserName: Array<string>

The name of the operating system user for the database session.

Optional clientProgram

clientProgram: Array<string>

The application from which the SQL violation was generated. Examples SQL Plus or SQL Developer.

Optional dbUserName

dbUserName: Array<string>

The name of the database user.

Optional operation

operation: Array<string>

The name of the action executed by the user on the target database, for example, ALTER, CREATE, DROP.

Optional operationTime

operationTime: Array<Date>

The time of the SQL violation occurrence in the target database.

Optional sqlLevel

sqlLevel: Array<SqlLevel>

Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy. USER_ISSUED_SQL - User issued SQL statements only. ALL_SQL - Includes all SQL statements including SQL statement issued inside PL/SQL units.

Optional targetId

targetId: Array<string>

The OCID of the target database.

Optional targetName

targetName: Array<string>

The name of the target database.

Optional violationAction

violationAction: Array<string>

The action taken for this SQL violation.

Optional violationCause

violationCause: Array<string>

Indicates whether SQL or context violation.


