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Namespace DetectorRuleSummary

Summary information for a detector rule.


Optional candidateResponderRules

candidateResponderRules: Array<CandidateResponderRule>

List of responder rules that can be used to remediate a problem triggered by this detector rule

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description for the detector rule


detector: DetectorEnum

Possible types of detectors

Optional detectorDetails

detectorDetails: model.DetectorDetails

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

Display name for the detector rule


id: string

The unique identifier of the detector rule

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: undefined | string

A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state.

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: model.LifecycleState

The current lifecycle state of the detector rule

Optional managedListTypes

managedListTypes: Array<ManagedListTypes>

List of managed list types related to this rule

Optional recommendation

recommendation: undefined | string

Recommendation for the detector rule

Optional resourceType

resourceType: undefined | string

Resource type of the configuration to which the rule is applied

Optional serviceType

serviceType: undefined | string

Service type of the configuration to which the rule is applied

Optional timeCreated

timeCreated: Date

The date and time the detector rule was first created. Format defined by RFC3339.

Optional timeUpdated

timeUpdated: Date

The date and time the detector rule was last updated. Format defined by RFC3339.


