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Namespace Problem

Problems are at the core of Cloud Guard\u2019s functionality. A Problem resource is created whenever an action or a configuration on a resource triggers a rule in a detector that\u2019s attached to the target containing the compartment where the resource is located. Each Problem resource contains all the details for a single problem. This is the information for the problem that appears on the Cloud Guard Problems page.


Optional additionalDetails

additionalDetails: undefined | object

The additional details of the problem

Optional autoResolveDate

autoResolveDate: undefined | string

The date and time when the problem will be auto resolved. Format defined by RFC3339.

Optional comment

comment: undefined | string

User comments on the problem


compartmentId: string

Compartment OCID where the resource is created

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description of the problem

Optional detectorId

detectorId: model.DetectorEnum

Unique identifier of the detector rule that triggered the problem

Optional detectorRuleId

detectorRuleId: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the detector rule that triggered the problem


id: string

Unique identifier that can't be changed after creation

Optional impactedResourceId

impactedResourceId: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the resource impacted by the problem

Optional impactedResourceName

impactedResourceName: undefined | string

Display name of the impacted resource

Optional impactedResourceType

impactedResourceType: undefined | string

Type of the impacted resource

Optional labels

labels: Array<string>

User-defined labels on the problem

Optional lifecycleDetail

lifecycleDetail: model.ProblemLifecycleDetail

Additional details on the substate of the lifecycle state

Optional lifecycleState

lifecycleState: model.ProblemLifecycleState

The current lifecycle state of the problem

Optional locks

Locks associated with this resource.

Optional peakRiskScore

peakRiskScore: undefined | number

Peak risk score for the problem Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional peakRiskScoreDate

peakRiskScoreDate: undefined | string

The date and time for the peak risk score that is observed for the problem. Format defined by RFC3339.

Optional peakRiskScoreLookupPeriodInDays

peakRiskScoreLookupPeriodInDays: undefined | number

Number of days for which peak score is calculated for the problem Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional recommendation

recommendation: undefined | string

Recommendation for the problem

Optional region

region: undefined | string


Optional regions

regions: Array<string>

Regions where the problem is found

Optional resourceId

resourceId: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the resource affected by the problem

Optional resourceName

resourceName: undefined | string

Display name of the affected resource

Optional resourceType

resourceType: undefined | string

Type of the affected resource

Optional riskLevel

riskLevel: model.RiskLevel

The risk level for the problem

Optional riskScore

riskScore: undefined | number

The risk score for the problem Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional targetId

targetId: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the target associated with the problem

Optional timeFirstDetected

timeFirstDetected: Date

The date and time the problem was first detected. Format defined by RFC3339.

Optional timeLastDetected

timeLastDetected: Date

The date and time the problem was last detected. Format defined by RFC3339.



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: Problem): object
