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Namespace CreateSqlJobDetails

The details specific to the SQL job request.



compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment in which the job resides.

Optional databaseSubType

databaseSubType: model.DatabaseSubType

The subtype of the Oracle Database where the job has to be executed. Only applicable when managedDatabaseGroupId is provided.

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {@code {"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

The description of the job.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {@code {"Department": "Finance"}}

Optional inBinds

inBinds: model.JobInBindsDetails

Const jobType

jobType: string = "SQL"

Optional managedDatabaseGroupId

managedDatabaseGroupId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Managed Database Group where the job has to be executed.

Optional managedDatabaseId

managedDatabaseId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Managed Database where the job has to be executed.


name: string

The name of the job. Valid characters are uppercase or lowercase letters, numbers, and "_". The name of the job cannot be modified. It must be unique in the compartment and must begin with an alphabetic character.

Optional namedCredentialId

namedCredentialId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Named Credentials containing password secret.


operationType: string

The SQL operation type.

Optional outBinds

outBinds: model.JobOutBindsDetails

Optional password

password: undefined | string

The password for the database user name used to execute the SQL job.

Optional resultLocation

resultLocation: model.ObjectStorageJobExecutionResultLocation

Optional role

role: undefined | string

The role of the database user. Indicates whether the database user is a normal user or sysdba.

Optional scheduleDetails

scheduleDetails: model.JobScheduleDetails


scheduleType: string

The schedule type of the job.

Optional secretId

secretId: undefined | string

The OCID of the secret containing the user password.

Optional sqlText

sqlText: undefined | string

The SQL text to be executed as part of the job.

Optional sqlType

sqlType: undefined | string

Optional timeout

timeout: undefined | string

The job timeout duration, which is expressed like "1h 10m 15s".

Optional userName

userName: undefined | string

The database user name used to execute the SQL job. If the job is being executed on a Managed Database Group, then the user name should exist on all the databases in the group with the same password.


