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Namespace SteeringPolicyAnswer

DNS record data with metadata for processing in a steering policy.

Warning: Oracle recommends that you avoid using any confidential information when you supply string values using the API.


Optional isDisabled

isDisabled: undefined | false | true

Set this property to {@code true} to indicate that the answer is administratively disabled, such as when the corresponding server is down for maintenance. An answer's {@code isDisabled} property can be referenced in {@code answerCondition} properties in rules using {@code answer.isDisabled}.

*Example:** \"rules\": [ { \"ruleType\": \"FILTER\", \"defaultAnswerData\": [ { \"answerCondition\": \"answer.isDisabled != true\", \"shouldKeep\": true } ] },


name: string

A user-friendly name for the answer, unique within the steering policy. An answer's {@code name} property can be referenced in {@code answerCondition} properties of rules using {@code answer.name}.


\"rules\": [ { \"ruleType\": \"FILTER\", \"defaultAnswerData\": [ { \"answerCondition\": \"answer.name == 'server 1'\", \"shouldKeep\": true } ] } ]

Optional pool

pool: undefined | string

The freeform name of a group of one or more records in which this record is included, such as "LAX data center". An answer's {@code pool} property can be referenced in {@code answerCondition} properties of rules using {@code answer.pool}.


\"rules\": [ { \"ruleType\": \"FILTER\", \"defaultAnswerData\": [ { \"answerCondition\": \"answer.pool == 'US East Servers'\", \"shouldKeep\": true } ] } ]


rdata: string

The record's data, as whitespace-delimited tokens in type-specific presentation format. All RDATA is normalized and the returned presentation of your RDATA may differ from its initial input. For more information about RDATA, see Supported DNS Resource Record Types.


rtype: string

The type of DNS record, such as A or CNAME. Only A, AAAA, and CNAME are supported. For more information, see Supported DNS Resource Record Types.


