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Namespace UpdateSaml2IdentityProviderDetails


Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {@code {"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42"}}}

Optional description

description: undefined | string

The description you assign to the {@code IdentityProvider}. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable.

Optional freeformAttributes

freeformAttributes: undefined | object

Extra name value pairs associated with this identity provider. Example: {@code {"clientId": "app_sf3kdjf3"}}

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {@code {"Department": "Finance"}}

Optional metadata

metadata: undefined | string

The XML that contains the information required for federating.

Optional metadataUrl

metadataUrl: undefined | string

The URL for retrieving the identity provider's metadata, which contains information required for federating.

Const protocol

protocol: string = "SAML2"


