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Namespace Parameter

Parameters are created and assigned values that can be configured for each integration task.


Optional configValues

configValues: model.ConfigValues

Optional defaultValue

defaultValue: any

The default value of the parameter.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Detailed description for the object.

Optional isInput

isInput: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether the parameter is input value.

Optional isOutput

isOutput: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether the parameter is output value.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

The key of the object.

Const modelType

modelType: string = "PARAMETER"

Optional modelVersion

modelVersion: undefined | string

The model version of an object.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Free form text without any restriction on permitted characters. Name can have letters, numbers, and special characters. The value is editable and is restricted to 1000 characters.

Optional objectStatus

objectStatus: undefined | number

The status of an object that can be set to value 1 for shallow references across objects, other values reserved. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional outputAggregationType

outputAggregationType: OutputAggregationType

The output aggregation type.

Optional parentRef

parentRef: model.ParentReference

Optional rootObjectDefaultValue

rootObjectDefaultValue: any

The default value of the parameter which can be an object in DIS, such as a data entity.

Optional type

type: any

This can either be a string value referencing the type or a BaseType object.

Optional typeName

typeName: undefined | string

The type of value the parameter was created for.

Optional usedFor

usedFor: undefined | string

The param name for which parameter is created for for eg. driver Shape, Operation etc.


