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Interface GetObjectRequest


Click here to see how to use GetObjectRequest.




bucketName: string

The name of the bucket. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: {@code my-new-bucket1}

Optional httpResponseCacheControl

httpResponseCacheControl: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the Cache-Control response header in the GetObject response.

Optional httpResponseContentDisposition

httpResponseContentDisposition: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the value of the Content-Disposition response header in the GetObject response.

Optional httpResponseContentEncoding

httpResponseContentEncoding: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the Content-Encoding response header in the GetObject response.

Optional httpResponseContentLanguage

httpResponseContentLanguage: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the Content-Language response header in the GetObject response.

Optional httpResponseContentType

httpResponseContentType: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the Content-Type response header in the GetObject response.

Optional httpResponseExpires

httpResponseExpires: undefined | string

Specify this query parameter to override the Expires response header in the GetObject response.

Optional ifMatch

ifMatch: undefined | string

The entity tag (ETag) to match with the ETag of an existing resource. If the specified ETag matches the ETag of the existing resource, GET and HEAD requests will return the resource and PUT and POST requests will upload the resource.

Optional ifNoneMatch

ifNoneMatch: undefined | string

The entity tag (ETag) to avoid matching. Wildcards ('*') are not allowed. If the specified ETag does not match the ETag of the existing resource, the request returns the expected response. If the ETag matches the ETag of the existing resource, the request returns an HTTP 304 status without a response body.


namespaceName: string

The Object Storage namespace used for the request.


objectName: string

The name of the object. Avoid entering confidential information. Example: {@code test/object1.log}

Optional opcClientRequestId

opcClientRequestId: undefined | string

The client request ID for tracing.

Optional opcSseCustomerAlgorithm

opcSseCustomerAlgorithm: undefined | string

The optional header that specifies "AES256" as the encryption algorithm. For more information, see Using Your Own Keys for Server-Side Encryption.

Optional opcSseCustomerKey

opcSseCustomerKey: undefined | string

The optional header that specifies the base64-encoded 256-bit encryption key to use to encrypt or decrypt the data. For more information, see Using Your Own Keys for Server-Side Encryption.

Optional opcSseCustomerKeySha256

opcSseCustomerKeySha256: undefined | string

The optional header that specifies the base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the encryption key. This value is used to check the integrity of the encryption key. For more information, see Using Your Own Keys for Server-Side Encryption.

Optional range

range: common.Range

Optional byte range to fetch, as described in RFC 7233. Note that only a single range of bytes is supported.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made

Optional versionId

versionId: undefined | string

VersionId used to identify a particular version of the object