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Namespace UpdateDataPumpParameters

Optional parameters for Data Pump Export and Import. Refer to Configuring Optional Initial Load Advanced Settings If an empty object is specified, the stored Data Pump Parameter details will be removed.


Optional estimate

estimate: model.DataPumpEstimate

Estimate size of dumps that will be generated.

Optional excludeParameters

excludeParameters: Array<DataPumpExcludeParameters>

Exclude paratemers for Export and Import. If specified, the stored list will be replaced.

Optional exportParallelismDegree

exportParallelismDegree: undefined | number

Maximum number of worker processes that can be used for a Data Pump Export job. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional importParallelismDegree

importParallelismDegree: undefined | number

Maximum number of worker processes that can be used for a Data Pump Import job. For an Autonomous Database, ODMS will automatically query its CPU core count and set this property. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional isCluster

isCluster: undefined | false | true

Set to false to force Data Pump worker processes to run on one instance.

Optional tableExistsAction

tableExistsAction: model.DataPumpTableExistsAction

IMPORT: Specifies the action to be performed when data is loaded into a preexisting table.


