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Namespace CreatePatternDetails

Properties used in pattern create operations.


Optional checkFailureLimit

checkFailureLimit: undefined | number

The maximum number of UNMATCHED files, in checkFilePathList, above which the check fails. Optional, if checkFilePathList is provided - but if isEnableCheckFailureLimit is set to true it is required. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional checkFilePathList

checkFilePathList: Array<string>

List of file paths against which the pattern can be tried, as a check. This documents, for reference purposes, some example objects a pattern is meant to work with. If isEnableCheckFailureLimit is set to true, this will be run as a validation during the request, such that if the check fails the request fails. If isEnableCheckFailureLimit instead is set to (the default) false, a pattern will still be created or updated even if the check fails, with a lifecycleState of FAILED.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Detailed description of the Pattern.


displayName: string

A user-friendly display name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.

Optional expression

expression: undefined | string

Input string which drives the selection process, allowing for fine-grained control using qualifiers. Refer to the user documentation for details of the format and examples. A pattern cannot include both a prefix and an expression.

Optional filePathPrefix

filePathPrefix: undefined | string

Input string which drives the selection process. Refer to the user documentation for details of the format and examples. A pattern cannot include both a prefix and an expression.

Optional isEnableCheckFailureLimit

isEnableCheckFailureLimit: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the pattern check, against the checkFilePathList, will fail the request if the count of UNMATCHED files is above the checkFailureLimit.

Optional properties

properties: undefined | object

A map of maps that contains the properties which are specific to the pattern type. Each pattern type definition defines it's set of required and optional properties. Example: {@code {"properties": { "default": { "tbd"}}}}


