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Namespace RecommendationDetails

Details of a recommendation.


Optional confidenceScore

confidenceScore: undefined | number

Level of confidence, on a scale between 0 and 1, that the recommendation is applicable. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional properties

properties: undefined | object

A map of maps that contains additional properties which are specific to the associated objects. Each associated object defines it's set of required and optional properties. Example: {@code { "DataEntity": { "parentId": "entityId" }, "Term": { "parentId": "glossaryId" } }}


recommendationKey: string

Unique identifier of the recommendation.


recommendationStatus: RecommendationStatus

Status of a recommendation.


recommendationType: RecommendationType

Type of recommendation.

Optional sourceObjectKey

sourceObjectKey: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the source object; the one for which a recommendation is made.

Optional sourceObjectName

sourceObjectName: undefined | string

Name of the source object; the one for which a recommendation is made.

Optional sourceObjectType

sourceObjectType: model.RecommendationResourceType

Type of the source object; the one for which a recommendation is made.

Optional targetObjectKey

targetObjectKey: undefined | string

Unique identifier of the target object; the one which has been recommended.

Optional targetObjectName

targetObjectName: undefined | string

Name of the target object; the one which has been recommended.

Optional targetObjectType

targetObjectType: model.RecommendationResourceType

Type of the target object; the one which has been recommended.


