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Namespace ValidatePatternDetails

Validate pattern using the expression and file list.


Optional checkFailureLimit

checkFailureLimit: undefined | number

The maximum number of UNMATCHED files, in checkFilePathList, above which the check fails. Optional, if checkFilePathList is provided.

If provided with the request, this overrides the value which already exists as part of the pattern, if any. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional checkFilePathList

checkFilePathList: Array<string>

List of file paths against which the pattern can be tried, as a check. This documents, for reference purposes, some example objects a pattern is meant to work with.

If provided with the request,this overrides the list which already exists as part of the pattern, if any.

Optional expression

expression: undefined | string

Input string which drives the selection process, allowing for fine-grained control using qualifiers. Refer to the user documentation for details of the format and examples. A pattern cannot include both a prefix and an expression.

Optional filePathPrefix

filePathPrefix: undefined | string

Input string which drives the selection process. Refer to the user documentation for details of the format and examples. A pattern cannot include both a prefix and an expression.


