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Namespace ClusterDetails

Specific info about a Hadoop cluster


Optional ambariUrl

ambariUrl: undefined | string

The URL of Ambari

Optional bdCellVersion

bdCellVersion: undefined | string

Cloud SQL cell version.

Optional bdaVersion

bdaVersion: undefined | string

BDA version installed in the cluster

Optional bdmVersion

bdmVersion: undefined | string

Big Data Manager version installed in the cluster.

Optional bdsVersion

bdsVersion: undefined | string

Big Data Service version installed in the cluster.

Optional bigDataManagerUrl

bigDataManagerUrl: undefined | string

The URL of Big Data Manager.

Optional clouderaManagerUrl

clouderaManagerUrl: undefined | string

The URL of Cloudera Manager

Optional csqlCellVersion

csqlCellVersion: undefined | string

Big Data SQL version.

Optional dbVersion

dbVersion: undefined | string

Cloud SQL query server database version.

Optional hueServerUrl

hueServerUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the Hue server.

Optional jupyterHubUrl

jupyterHubUrl: undefined | string

The URL of the Jupyterhub.

Optional odhVersion

odhVersion: undefined | string

Version of the ODH (Oracle Distribution including Apache Hadoop) installed on the cluster.

Optional osVersion

osVersion: undefined | string

Oracle Linux version installed in the cluster.


timeCreated: Date

The time the cluster was created, shown as an RFC 3339 formatted datetime string.

Optional timeRefreshed

timeRefreshed: Date

The time the cluster was automatically or manually refreshed, shown as an RFC 3339 formatted datetime string.


