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Namespace DrgRouteRule

A DRG route rule is a mapping between a destination IP address range and a DRG attachment. The map is used to route matching packets. Traffic will be routed across the attachments using Equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) if there are multiple rules with identical destinations and none of the rules conflict.


Optional attributes

attributes: any

Additional properties for the route, computed by the service.


destination: string

Represents the range of IP addresses to match against when routing traffic.

Potential values: * An IP address range (IPv4 or IPv6) in CIDR notation. For example: {@code} or {@code 2001:0db8:0123:45::/56}. * When you're setting up a security rule for traffic destined for a particular {@code Service} through a service gateway, this is the {@code cidrBlock} value associated with that Service. For example: {@code oci-phx-objectstorage}.


destinationType: DestinationType

The type of destination for the rule.

Allowed values:

{@code CIDR_BLOCK}: If the rule's {@code destination} is an IP address range in CIDR notation. * {@code SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK}: If the rule's {@code destination} is the {@code cidrBlock} value for a Service (the rule is for traffic destined for a particular {@code Service} through a service gateway).


id: string

The Oracle-assigned ID of the DRG route rule.

Optional isBlackhole

isBlackhole: undefined | false | true

Indicates that if the next hop attachment does not exist, so traffic for this route is discarded without notification.

Optional isConflict

isConflict: undefined | false | true

Indicates that the route was not imported due to a conflict between route rules.


nextHopDrgAttachmentId: string

The OCID of the next hop DRG attachment responsible for reaching the network destination.

A value of {@code BLACKHOLE} means traffic for this route is discarded without notification.


routeProvenance: RouteProvenance

The earliest origin of a route. If a route is advertised to a DRG through an IPsec tunnel attachment, and is propagated to peered DRGs via RPC attachments, the route's provenance in the peered DRGs remains {@code IPSEC_TUNNEL}, because that is the earliest origin.

No routes with a provenance {@code IPSEC_TUNNEL} or {@code VIRTUAL_CIRCUIT} will be exported to IPsec tunnel or virtual circuit attachments, regardless of the attachment's export distribution.

Optional routeType

routeType: RouteType

You can specify static routes for the DRG route table using the API. The DRG learns dynamic routes from the DRG attachments using various routing protocols.


