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Namespace MigrateVaultKeyDetails

Details for replacing existing Oracle-managed keys with customer-managed Vault service keys and vice-versa is not supported.


Optional adminPassword

adminPassword: undefined | string

The existing admin password of the database.


kmsKeyId: string

The OCID of the key container that is used as the master encryption key in database transparent data encryption (TDE) operations.

Optional kmsKeyVersionId

kmsKeyVersionId: undefined | string

The OCID of the key container version that is used in database transparent data encryption (TDE) operations KMS Key can have multiple key versions. If none is specified, the current key version (latest) of the Key Id is used for the operation. Autonomous Database Serverless does not use key versions, hence is not applicable for Autonomous Database Serverless instances.

Optional tdeWalletPassword

tdeWalletPassword: undefined | string

The existing TDE wallet password of the database.

Optional vaultId

vaultId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure vault. This parameter and {@code secretId} are required for Customer Managed Keys.


