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Namespace ExportRequestSummary

Export metadata object response summary.


Optional areReferencesIncluded

areReferencesIncluded: undefined | false | true

Controls if the references will be exported along with the objects

Optional bucketName

bucketName: undefined | string

The name of the Object Storage Bucket where the objects will be exported to

Optional createdBy

createdBy: undefined | string

Name of the user who initiated export request.

Optional errorMessages

errorMessages: undefined | object

Contains key of the error

Optional exportedItems

The array of exported object details.

Optional fileName

fileName: undefined | string

Name of the exported zip file.

Optional filters

filters: Array<string>

Export multiple objects based on filters.

Optional isObjectOverwriteEnabled

isObjectOverwriteEnabled: undefined | false | true

Flag to control whether to overwrite the object if it is already present at the provided object storage location.

Optional key

key: undefined | string

Export object request key

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Name of the export request.

Optional objectKeys

objectKeys: Array<string>

The list of the objects to be exported

Optional objectStorageRegion

objectStorageRegion: undefined | string

Region of the object storage (if using object storage of different region)

Optional objectStorageTenancyId

objectStorageTenancyId: undefined | string

Optional parameter to point to object storage tenancy (if using Object Storage of different tenancy)

Optional referencedItems

referencedItems: undefined | string

The array of exported referenced objects.

Optional status

status: Status

Export Objects request status.

Optional timeEndedInMillis

timeEndedInMillis: undefined | number

Time at which the request was completely processed. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional timeStartedInMillis

timeStartedInMillis: undefined | number

Time at which the request started getting processed. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional totalExportedObjectCount

totalExportedObjectCount: undefined | number

Number of objects that are exported. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


