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Namespace DiscoveredExternalCluster

The details of an external cluster discovered in an external DB system discovery run.


Optional associatedComponents

associatedComponents: Array<AssociatedComponent>

The list of associated components.

Optional clusterInstances


componentId: string

The identifier of the discovered DB system component.


componentName: string

The name of the discovered DB system component.

Const componentType

componentType: string = "CLUSTER"


displayName: string

The user-friendly name for the discovered DB system component. The name does not have to be unique.

Optional gridHome

gridHome: undefined | string

The directory in which Oracle Grid Infrastructure is installed.

Optional isFlexCluster

isFlexCluster: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the cluster is an Oracle Flex Cluster or not.

Optional isSelectedForMonitoring

isSelectedForMonitoring: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the DB system component should be provisioned as an OCI resource or not.

Optional networkConfigurations

The list of network address configurations of the external cluster.

Optional ocrFileLocation

ocrFileLocation: undefined | string

The location of the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) file.

Optional resourceId

resourceId: undefined | string

The OCID of the existing OCI resource matching the discovered DB system component.

Optional scanConfigurations

The list of Single Client Access Name (SCAN) configurations of the external cluster.

Optional status

status: Status

The state of the discovered DB system component.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

The version of Oracle Clusterware running in the cluster.

Optional vipConfigurations

The list of Virtual IP (VIP) configurations of the external cluster.


