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Namespace DiscoveredExternalDatabase

The details of an external Oracle Database discovered in an external DB system discovery run.


Optional associatedComponents

associatedComponents: Array<AssociatedComponent>

The list of associated components.


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment.


componentId: string

The identifier of the discovered DB system component.


componentName: string

The name of the discovered DB system component.

Const componentType

componentType: string = "DATABASE"

Optional connector

connector: model.ExternalDbSystemDiscoveryMacsConnector

Optional dbEdition

dbEdition: undefined | string

The Oracle Database edition.

Optional dbId

dbId: undefined | string

The Oracle Database ID.

Optional dbPacks

dbPacks: undefined | string

The database packs licensed for the external Oracle Database.

Optional dbRole

dbRole: DbRole

The role of the Oracle Database in Oracle Data Guard configuration.

Optional dbType

dbType: model.DatabaseSubType

The type of Oracle Database. Indicates whether the database is a Container Database, Pluggable Database, or a Non-container Database.


dbUniqueName: string

The {@code DB_UNIQUE_NAME} of the external database.

Optional dbVersion

dbVersion: undefined | string

The Oracle Database version.


displayName: string

The user-friendly name for the discovered DB system component. The name does not have to be unique.

Optional isCluster

isCluster: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the Oracle Database is part of a cluster.

Optional isSelectedForMonitoring

isSelectedForMonitoring: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the DB system component should be provisioned as an OCI resource or not.

Optional pluggableDatabases

The list of Pluggable Databases.

Optional resourceId

resourceId: undefined | string

The OCID of the existing OCI resource matching the discovered DB system component.

Optional status

status: Status

The state of the discovered DB system component.


