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Namespace ExternalExadataInfrastructureDiscovery

The result of the Exadata infrastructure discovery.


Optional agentId

agentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the agent used for monitoring.

Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the compartment.

Optional connectorId

connectorId: undefined | string

The OCID of the associated connector.

Optional dbSystems

The list of DB systems in the Exadata infrastructure.

Optional discoverErrorCode

discoverErrorCode: undefined | string

The error code of the discovery.

Optional discoverErrorMsg

discoverErrorMsg: undefined | string

The error message of the discovery.

Optional discoverStatus

discoverStatus: DiscoverStatus

The status of the entity discovery.


discoveryKey: string

The unique key of the discovery request.


displayName: string

The name of the entity.

Const entityType

entityType: string = "INFRASTRUCTURE_DISCOVER"

Optional gridHomePath

gridHomePath: undefined | string

The Oracle home path of the Exadata infrastructure.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

The OCID of the entity discovered.

Optional internalId

internalId: undefined | string

The internal identifier of the entity.

Optional licenseModel

licenseModel: LicenseModel

The Oracle license model that applies to the database management resources.

Optional rackSize

rackSize: RackSize

The size of the Exadata infrastructure.

Optional status

status: undefined | string

The status of the entity.

Optional storageGrid

storageGrid: model.ExternalStorageGridDiscoverySummary

Optional storageServers

The list of storage servers in the Exadata infrastructure.

Optional version

version: undefined | string

The version of the entity.


