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Namespace MetricsAggregationRange

The set of aggregated data returned for a metric.


Optional header

header: model.DbManagementAnalyticsMetric

Optional metrics

The list of metrics returned for the specified request. Each of the metrics has a {@code metricName} and additional properties like {@code metadata}, {@code dimensions}. If a property is not set, then use the value from {@code header}.

Suppose {@code m} be an item in the {@code metrics} array: - If {@code m.metricName} is not set, use {@code header.metricName} instead - If {@code m.durationInSeconds} is not set, use {@code header.durationInSeconds} instead - If {@code m.dimensions} is not set, use {@code header.dimensions} instead - If {@code m.metadata} is not set, use {@code header.metadata} instead

Optional rangeEndTimeInEpochSeconds

rangeEndTimeInEpochSeconds: undefined | number

The end of the time range (exclusive) of the returned metric data. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional rangeStartTimeInEpochSeconds

rangeStartTimeInEpochSeconds: undefined | number

The beginning of the time range (inclusive) of the returned metric data. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


