  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Namespace ObjectPrivilegeSummary

A summary of object privileges.


Optional common

common: Common

Indicates how the object privilege was granted. Possible values: YES if the role is granted commonly (CONTAINER=ALL is used) NO if the role is granted locally (CONTAINER=ALL is not used)

Optional grantOption

grantOption: GrantOption

Indicates whether the privilege is granted with the GRANT OPTION (YES) or not (NO).

Optional grantor

grantor: undefined | string

The name of the user who granted the object privilege.

Optional hierarchy

hierarchy: Hierarchy

Indicates whether the privilege is granted with the HIERARCHY OPTION (YES) or not (NO).

Optional inherited

inherited: Inherited

Indicates whether the granted privilege is inherited from another container (YES) or not (NO).

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the privilege on the object.

Optional object

object: undefined | string

The name of the object. The object can be any object, including tables, packages, indexes, sequences, and so on.

Optional owner

owner: undefined | string

The owner of the object.

Optional schemaType

schemaType: undefined | string

The type of object.


