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Namespace SqlTuningAdvisorTaskSummary

The summary of a SQL Tuning Advisor task.


Optional daysToExpire

daysToExpire: undefined | number

The number of days left before the task expires. If the value equals -1, then the task has no expiration time (UNLIMITED). Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional description

description: undefined | string

The description of the SQL Tuning Advisor task.

Optional instanceId

instanceId: undefined | number

The instance ID of the SQL Tuning Advisor task. This is not the OCID. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the SQL Tuning Advisor task.

Optional owner

owner: undefined | string

The owner of the SQL Tuning Advisor task.

Optional recommendationCount

recommendationCount: undefined | number

The number of recommendations provided for the SQL Tuning Advisor task. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


sqlTuningAdvisorTaskId: number

The unique identifier of the SQL Tuning Advisor task. This is not the OCID. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional taskStatus

taskStatus: model.SqlTuningTaskStatusTypes

The status of the SQL Tuning Advisor task.

Optional timeCreated

timeCreated: Date

The Creation date of the SQL Tuning Advisor task.

Optional timeExecutionEnded

timeExecutionEnded: Date

The end time of the task execution.

Optional timeExecutionStarted

timeExecutionStarted: Date

The start time of the task execution.

Optional totalSqlStatements

totalSqlStatements: undefined | number

The total number of SQL statements related to the SQL Tuning Advisor task. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


