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Namespace TablespaceSummary

The summary of a tablespace.


Optional allocatedSizeKB

allocatedSizeKB: undefined | number

The allocated tablespace size in KB. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional allocationType

allocationType: AllocationType

The type of extent allocation in effect for the tablespace.

Optional blockSizeBytes

blockSizeBytes: undefined | number

The tablespace block size. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional compressFor

compressFor: CompressFor

The operation type for which default compression is enabled.

Optional datafiles

datafiles: Array<Datafile>

A list of the data files associated with the tablespace.

Optional defaultCellMemory

defaultCellMemory: undefined | string

This specifies the default value for the CELLMEMORY attribute that tables created in the tablespace will inherit unless the behavior is overridden explicitly. This column is intended for use with Oracle Exadata.

Optional defaultInMemory

defaultInMemory: DefaultInMemory

Indicates whether the In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) is by default enabled or disabled for tables in the tablespace.

Optional defaultInMemoryCompression

defaultInMemoryCompression: DefaultInMemoryCompression

Indicates the default compression level for the IM column store for the tablespace.

Optional defaultInMemoryDistribute

defaultInMemoryDistribute: DefaultInMemoryDistribute

Indicates how the IM column store is distributed by default for the tablespace in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment.

Optional defaultInMemoryDuplicate

defaultInMemoryDuplicate: DefaultInMemoryDuplicate

Indicates the duplicate setting for the IM column store in an Oracle RAC environment.

Optional defaultInMemoryPriority

defaultInMemoryPriority: DefaultInMemoryPriority

Indicates the default priority for In-Memory Column Store (IM column store) population for the tablespace.

Optional defaultInMemoryService

defaultInMemoryService: DefaultInMemoryService

Indicates how the IM column store is populated on various instances by default for the tablespace.

Optional defaultInMemoryServiceName

defaultInMemoryServiceName: undefined | string

Indicates the service name for the service on which the IM column store should be populated by default for the tablespace. This column has a value only when the corresponding DEF_INMEMORY_SERVICE is USER_DEFINED. In all other cases, this column is null.

Optional defaultIndexCompression

defaultIndexCompression: DefaultIndexCompression

Indicates whether default index compression is enabled or disabled.

Optional defaultTableCompression

defaultTableCompression: DefaultTableCompression

Indicates whether default table compression is enabled or disabled.

Optional extentManagement

extentManagement: ExtentManagement

Indicates whether the extents in the tablespace are Locally managed or Dictionary managed.

Optional freeSpaceKB

freeSpaceKB: undefined | number

The free space available in the tablespace in KB. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional indexCompressFor

indexCompressFor: IndexCompressFor

The operation type for which default index compression is enabled.

Optional isBigfile

isBigfile: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the tablespace is a Bigfile tablespace or a Smallfile tablespace.

Optional isChunkTablespace

isChunkTablespace: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether this is a chunk tablespace.

Optional isDefault

isDefault: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether this is the default tablespace.

Optional isEncrypted

isEncrypted: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the tablespace is encrypted.

Optional isForceLogging

isForceLogging: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the tablespace is under Force Logging mode.

Optional isPluggedIn

isPluggedIn: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether the tablespace is plugged in.

Optional logging

logging: Logging

The default logging attribute.

Optional lostWriteProtect

lostWriteProtect: LostWriteProtect

The lost write protection setting for the tablespace.

Optional maxSizeKB

maxSizeKB: undefined | number

The maximum tablespace size in KB. If the tablespace contains any data files with Autoextend enabled, then this column displays the amount of underlying free storage space for the tablespace. For example, if the current tablespace size is 1 GB, the combined maximum size of all its data files is 32 GB, and its underlying storage (for example, ASM or file system storage) has 20 GB of free space, then this column will have a value of approximately 20 GB. If the tablespace contains only data files with autoextend disabled, then this column displays the allocated space for the entire tablespace, that is, the combined size of all data files in the tablespace. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


name: string

The name of the tablespace.

Optional predicateEvaluation

predicateEvaluation: PredicateEvaluation

Indicates whether predicates are evaluated by Host or by Storage.

Optional retention

retention: Retention

Indicates whether undo retention guarantee is enabled for the tablespace.

Optional segmentSpaceManagement

segmentSpaceManagement: SegmentSpaceManagement

Indicates whether the free and used segment space in the tablespace is managed using free lists (MANUAL) or bitmaps (AUTO).

Optional shared

shared: Shared

Indicates whether the tablespace is for shared tablespace, or for local temporary tablespace for leaf (read-only) instances, or for local temporary tablespace for all instance types.

Optional status

status: Status

The status of the tablespace.

Optional tempGroup

tempGroup: undefined | string

The temporary tablespace group.


type: Type

The type of tablespace.

Optional usedPercentAllocated

usedPercentAllocated: undefined | number

The percentage of used space out of the total allocated space in the tablespace. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional usedPercentAvailable

usedPercentAvailable: undefined | number

The percentage of used space out of the maximum available space in the tablespace. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional usedSpaceKB

usedSpaceKB: undefined | number

The total space used by the tablespace in KB. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional userSizeKB

userSizeKB: undefined | number

The size of the tablespace available for user data in KB. The difference between tablespace size and user data size is used for storing metadata. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


