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Namespace UpdateTablespaceDetails

The details required to update a tablespace. It takes either credentialDetails or databaseCredential. It's recommended to provide databaseCredential


Optional autoExtendMaxSize

autoExtendMaxSize: model.TablespaceStorageSize

The maximum disk space allowed for automatic extension of the data files or temp files.

Optional autoExtendNextSize

autoExtendNextSize: model.TablespaceStorageSize

The size of the next increment of disk space to be allocated automatically when more extents are required.

Optional credentialDetails

Optional databaseCredential

Optional fileSize

fileSize: model.TablespaceStorageSize

The size of each data file or temp file.

Optional isAutoExtensible

isAutoExtensible: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether the data file or temp file can be extended automatically.

Optional isDefault

isDefault: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether the tablespace is the default tablespace.

Optional isMaxSizeUnlimited

isMaxSizeUnlimited: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether the disk space of the data file or temp file can be limited.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The name of the tablespace. It must be unique within a database.

Optional status

status: Status

The status of the tablespace.

Optional type

type: Type

The type of tablespace.


