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Namespace User

The summary of a specific user resource.


Optional allShared

allShared: AllShared

In a sharded database, indicates whether the user is created with shard DDL enabled (YES) or not (NO).

Optional authentication

authentication: Authentication

The authentication mechanism for the user.

Optional common

common: Common

Indicates whether a given user is common(Y) or local(N).

Optional consumerGroup

consumerGroup: undefined | string

The initial resource consumer group for the User.

Optional defaultCollation

defaultCollation: undefined | string

The default collation for the user schema.


defaultTablespace: string

The default tablespace for data.

Optional editionsEnabled

editionsEnabled: EditionsEnabled

Indicates whether editions have been enabled for the corresponding user (Y) or not (N).

Optional externalName

externalName: undefined | string

The external name of the user.

Optional externalShared

externalShared: ExternalShared

In a federated sharded database, indicates whether the user is an external shard user (YES) or not (NO).

Optional implicit

implicit: Implicit

Indicates whether the user is a common user created by an implicit application (YES) or not (NO).

Optional inherited

inherited: Inherited

Indicates whether the user definition is inherited from another container (YES) or not (NO).

Optional localTempTablespace

localTempTablespace: undefined | string

The default local temporary tablespace for the user.


name: string

The name of the User.

Optional oracleMaintained

oracleMaintained: OracleMaintained

Indicates whether the user was created and is maintained by Oracle-supplied scripts (such as catalog.sql or catproc.sql).

Optional passwordVersions

passwordVersions: undefined | string

The list of existing versions of the password hashes (also known as "verifiers") for the account.


profile: string

The profile name of the user.

Optional proxyConnect

proxyConnect: ProxyConnect

Indicates whether a user can connect directly (N) or whether the account can only be proxied (Y) by users who have proxy privileges for this account (that is, by users who have been granted the "connect through" privilege for this account).


status: Status

The status of the user account.


tempTablespace: string

The name of the default tablespace for temporary tables or the name of a tablespace group.


timeCreated: Date

The date and time the user was created.

Optional timeExpiring

timeExpiring: Date

The date and time of the expiration of the user account.

Optional timeLastLogin

timeLastLogin: Date

The date and time of the last user login. This column is not populated when a user connects to the database with administrative privileges, that is, AS { SYSASM | SYSBACKUP | SYSDBA | SYSDG | SYSOPER | SYSRAC | SYSKM }.

Optional timeLocked

timeLocked: Date

The date the account was locked, if the status of the account is LOCKED.

Optional timePasswordChanged

timePasswordChanged: Date

The date and time when the user password was last set. This column is populated only when the value of the AUTHENTICATION_TYPE column is PASSWORD. Otherwise, this column is null.



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: User): object


  • getJsonObj(obj: User): object