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Namespace BulkPinMetadata

Metadata about the bulk pin operation. The bulk pin operation is atomic and binary. If the processing of any of the attributes in the bulk pin request results in a processing or validation error, then none of the attributes in the request are pinned.



attributesPinned: number

Total number attributes (both string and numeric) in TRACES namespace that were pinned. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


operationStatus: OperationStatus

Operation status of the bulk pin operation. SUCCESS - The bulk pin operation has succeeded and all the attributes in the bulk pin request have been pinned by this operation or pinned earlier. The following are error statuses for the bulk pin operation. EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST - The bulk pin request object was empty and did not contain any attributes to be pinned. INVALID_BULK_REQUEST - The bulk request contains invalid attribute(s), or attribute(s) that resulted in a validation error, or an attribute that resulted in a processing error.


operationType: OperationType

Type of operation.

Optional syntheticAttributesPinned

syntheticAttributesPinned: undefined | number

Total number attributes (both string and numeric) in SYNTHETIC namespace that were pinned. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


