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Namespace DatabaseConnectionCredentialsByDetails

User information to connect to the database. Required when performing the {@link #createExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails(CreateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetailsRequest) createExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails} operation. IMPORTANT: Not supported for the {@link #updateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails(UpdateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetailsRequest) updateExternalDatabaseConnectorDetails} operation.


Optional credentialName

credentialName: undefined | string

The name of the credential information that used to connect to the database. The name should be in "x.y" format, where the length of "x" has a maximum of 64 characters, and length of "y" has a maximum of 199 characters. The name strings can contain letters, numbers and the underscore character only. Other characters are not valid, except for the "." character that separates the "x" and "y" portions of the name. IMPORTANT - The name must be unique within the OCI region the credential is being created in. If you specify a name that duplicates the name of another credential within the same OCI region, you may overwrite or corrupt the credential that is already using the name.

For example: inventorydb.abc112233445566778899

Const credentialType

credentialType: string = "DETAILS"


password: string

The password that will be used to connect to the database.


role: Role

The role of the user that will be connecting to the database.


username: string

The username that will be used to connect to the database.


