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Interface UploadLogEventsFileRequest


Click here to see how to use UploadLogEventsFileRequest.



Optional contentType

contentType: undefined | string

The content type of the log data.

Optional expect

expect: undefined | string

A value of {@code 100-continue} requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is "100-Continue" (case-insensitive).


logGroupId: string

The log group OCID that gets mapped to the uploaded logs.

Optional logSet

logSet: undefined | string

The log set that gets associated with the uploaded logs.


namespaceName: string

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional opcMetaProperties

opcMetaProperties: undefined | string

Metadata key and value pairs separated by a semicolon. Example k1:v1;k2:v2;k3:v3

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

The client request ID for tracing.

Optional opcRetryToken

opcRetryToken: undefined | string

A token that uniquely identifies a request so it can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without risk of executing that same action again. Retry tokens expire after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations. For example, if a resource has been deleted and purged from the system, then a retry of the original creation request might be rejected.

Optional payloadType

payloadType: model.PayloadType

Identifies the type of request payload.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made


uploadLogEventsFileDetails: Uint8Array | Buffer | Blob | stream.Readable | ReadableStream | string

Log events data to be uploaded. The data could be uploaded with or without logSet information depending on whether logSet is enabled for the tenancy or not. Supported formats include

  1. json file : logSet (if needed) should be sent as "logSet" query parameter
  2. gzip file : logSet (if needed) should be sent as "logSet" query parameter
  3. zip file : containing multiple json files. LogSet information (if needed) should be appended to every filename in the zip. Supported filename format with logSet detail is <filename>_logSet=<logset>.json