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Namespace BatchDetectDominantLanguageDetails

The documents details for language detect call.


Optional charsToConsider

charsToConsider: undefined | number

default value is None. Specifies maximum number of characters to consider for determining the dominant language. If unspecified, then optimum number characters will be considered. If 0 is specified then all the characters are used to determine the language. If the value is greater than 0, then specified number of characters will be considered from the beginning of the text. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional compartmentId

compartmentId: undefined | string

The OCID of the compartment that calls the API, inference will be served from pre trained model


documents: Array<DominantLanguageDocument>

List of Documents for detect language.

Optional endpointId

endpointId: undefined | string

The endpoint which have to be used for inferencing. If endpointId and compartmentId is provided, then inference will be served from custom model which is mapped to this Endpoint.

Optional shouldIgnoreTransliteration

shouldIgnoreTransliteration: undefined | false | true

Specifies whether to consider or ignore transliteration. For example "hi, aap kaise ho? sab kuch teek hai? I will call you tomorrow." would be detected as English when ignore transliteration=true, Hindi when ignoreTransliteration=false.


