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Namespace DetectorDetails

Detailed information for a detector.


Optional condition

Optional configurations

configurations: Array<DetectorConfiguration>

List of detector rule configurations

Optional dataSourceId

dataSourceId: undefined | string

The ID of the attached data source

Optional description

description: undefined | string

Description for detector recipe detector rule

Optional entitiesMappings

entitiesMappings: Array<EntitiesMapping>

Data source entities mapping for a detector rule

Optional isConfigurationAllowed

isConfigurationAllowed: undefined | false | true

Can the rule be configured?


isEnabled: boolean

Enablement status for the rule

Optional labels

labels: Array<string>

User-defined labels for a detector rule

Optional problemThreshold

problemThreshold: undefined | number

The point at which an elevated resource risk score creates a problem Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional recommendation

recommendation: undefined | string

Recommendation for detector recipe detector rule

Optional riskLevel

riskLevel: model.RiskLevel

The risk level for the rule

Optional sightingTypes

sightingTypes: Array<SightingType>

List of sighting types

Optional targetTypes

targetTypes: Array<string>

List of target types for which the detector rule is applicable


