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Namespace GetNetworkingTopologyRequest


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Optional accessLevel

accessLevel: AccessLevel

Valid values are {@code ANY} and {@code ACCESSIBLE}. The default is {@code ANY}. Setting this to {@code ACCESSIBLE} returns only compartments for which a user has INSPECT permissions, either directly or indirectly (permissions can be on a resource in a subcompartment). A restricted set of fields is returned for compartments in which a user has indirect INSPECT permissions.

When set to {@code ANY} permissions are not checked.

Optional cacheControl

cacheControl: undefined | string

The Cache-Control HTTP header holds directives (instructions) for caching in both requests and responses.


compartmentId: string

The OCID of the compartment.

Optional ifNoneMatch

ifNoneMatch: undefined | string

For querying if there is a cached value on the server. The If-None-Match HTTP request header makes the request conditional. For GET and HEAD methods, the server will send back the requested resource, with a 200 status, only if it doesn't have an ETag matching the given ones. For other methods, the request will be processed only if the eventually existing resource's ETag doesn't match any of the values listed.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

Unique identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, please provide the request ID.

Optional queryCompartmentSubtree

queryCompartmentSubtree: undefined | false | true

When set to true, the hierarchy of compartments is traversed and the specified compartment and its subcompartments are inspected depending on the the setting of {@code accessLevel}. Default is false.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made