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Namespace TimeAndVerticalScalingConfig

Time of day and vertical scaling configuration.


Optional targetMemoryPerNode

targetMemoryPerNode: undefined | number

For nodes with flexible compute shapes, this value is the desired memory in GBs on each node. This value is not used for nodes with fixed compute shapes. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional targetOcpusPerNode

targetOcpusPerNode: undefined | number

For nodes with flexible compute shapes, this value is the desired OCPUs count on each node. This value is not used for nodes with fixed compute shapes. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional targetShape

targetShape: undefined | string

For nodes with fixed compute shapes, this value is the desired shape of each node. This value is not used for nodes with flexible compute shapes.

Optional timeRecurrence

timeRecurrence: undefined | string

Day/time recurrence (specified following RFC 5545) at which to trigger autoscaling action. Currently only WEEKLY frequency is supported. Days of the week are specified using BYDAY field. Time of the day is specified using BYHOUR and BYMINUTE fields. Other fields are not supported.


