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Namespace PutMessagesResultEntry

Represents the result of a {@link #putMessages(PutMessagesRequest) putMessages} request, whether it was successful or not. If a message was successfully appended to the stream, the entry includes the {@code offset}, {@code partition}, and {@code timestamp}. If the message failed to be appended to the stream, the entry includes the {@code error} and {@code errorMessage}.


Optional error

error: undefined | string

The error code, in case the message was not successfully appended to the stream.

Optional errorMessage

errorMessage: undefined | string

A human-readable error message associated with the error code.

Optional offset

offset: undefined | number

The offset of the message in the partition. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional partition

partition: undefined | string

The ID of the partition where the message was stored.

Optional timestamp

timestamp: Date

The timestamp indicating when the server appended the message to the stream.


