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Namespace VulnerabilityAudit

A vulnerability audit associates the application dependencies of a project with their associated Vulnerabilities. Each Vulnerability is associated with a score (Common Vulnerability Scoring System V2 or V3). A vulnerable application dependency can be ignored based on the configuration of the vulnerability audit. maxObservedCvssV2Score, maxObservedCvssV3Score and vulnerableArtifactsCount do not take into account non-vulnerable application dependency.



buildType: BuildType

The type of the build tool is restricted to only two values MAVEN or UNSET. Use UNSET when the list of application dependencies is not Maven-related or is a mix of Maven and other ecosystems. This option is soon to be deprecated.


compartmentId: string

The compartment Oracle Cloud identifier (OCID) of the vulnerability audit.

Optional configuration

configuration: model.VulnerabilityAuditConfiguration

Optional definedTags

definedTags: undefined | object

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {@code {"foo-namespace": {"bar-key": "value"}}}

Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The name of the vulnerability audit.

Optional freeformTags

freeformTags: undefined | object

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {@code {"bar-key": "value"}}


id: string

The Oracle Cloud identifier (OCID) of the vulnerability audit.

Optional isSuccess

isSuccess: undefined | false | true

Indicates if an audit succeeded according to the configuration. The value is {@code null} if the audit is in the {@code CREATING} state.


knowledgeBaseId: string

The Oracle Cloud identifier (OCID) of the knowledge base.

Optional lifecycleDetails

lifecycleDetails: LifecycleDetails

Details on the lifecycle state.


lifecycleState: LifecycleState

The current lifecycle state of the vulnerability audit.

Optional maxObservedCvssV2Score

maxObservedCvssV2Score: undefined | number

Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 2 score observed for non-ignored vulnerable application dependencies. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional maxObservedCvssV2ScoreWithIgnored

maxObservedCvssV2ScoreWithIgnored: undefined | number

Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 2 score observed for vulnerable application dependencies including ignored ones. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional maxObservedCvssV3Score

maxObservedCvssV3Score: undefined | number

Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 3 score observed for non-ignored vulnerable application dependencies. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional maxObservedCvssV3ScoreWithIgnored

maxObservedCvssV3ScoreWithIgnored: undefined | number

Maximum Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 3 score observed for vulnerable application dependencies including ignored ones. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional maxObservedSeverity

maxObservedSeverity: model.VulnerabilitySeverity

Maximum ADM Severity observed for non-ignored vulnerable application dependencies.

Optional maxObservedSeverityWithIgnored

maxObservedSeverityWithIgnored: model.VulnerabilitySeverity

Maximum ADM Severity observed for vulnerable application dependencies including ignored ones.


Optional systemTags

systemTags: undefined | object

Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces. Example: {@code {"orcl-cloud": {"free-tier-retained": "true"}}}


timeCreated: Date

The creation date and time of the vulnerability audit (formatted according to RFC3339).


timeUpdated: Date

The update date and time of the vulnerability audit (formatted according to RFC3339).

Optional usageData

usageData: model.UsageDataViaObjectStorageTupleDetails


vulnerabilities: Array<Vulnerability>

List of vulnerabilities found in the vulnerability audit. If a vulnerability affects multiple dependencies, the metadata returned here consists of audit-wide aggregates.


vulnerableArtifactsCount: number

Count of non-ignored vulnerable application dependencies. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


vulnerableArtifactsCountWithIgnored: number

Count of all vulnerable application dependencies. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


