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Namespace ContainerCommandHealthCheck

Container Health Check with command type.



command: Array<string>

The list of strings that will be simplified to a single command for checking the status of the container.

Optional failureAction

failureAction: model.ContainerHealthCheckFailureAction

The action will be triggered when the container health check fails. There are two types of action: KILL or NONE. The default action is KILL. If failure action is KILL, the container will be subject to the container restart policy.

Optional failureThreshold

failureThreshold: undefined | number

Number of consecutive failures at which we consider the check failed. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Const healthCheckType

healthCheckType: string = "COMMAND"

Optional initialDelayInSeconds

initialDelayInSeconds: undefined | number

The initial delay in seconds before start checking container health status. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional intervalInSeconds

intervalInSeconds: undefined | number

Number of seconds between two consecutive runs for checking container health. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Health check name.

Optional status

status: Status

Status of container

Optional statusDetails

statusDetails: undefined | string

A message describing the current status in more details.

Optional successThreshold

successThreshold: undefined | number

Number of consecutive successes at which we consider the check succeeded again after it was in failure state. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional timeoutInSeconds

timeoutInSeconds: undefined | number

Length of waiting time in seconds before marking health check failed. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


