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Namespace AutonomousDataWarehouseConnectionStrings

Deprecated. For information about connection strings to connect to an Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse, see {@link #autonomousDatabaseConnectionStrings(AutonomousDatabaseConnectionStringsRequest) autonomousDatabaseConnectionStrings}.


Optional allConnectionStrings

allConnectionStrings: undefined | object

Returns all connection strings that can be used to connect to the Autonomous Data Warehouse. For more information, please see Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Transaction Processing

Optional high

high: undefined | string

The High database service provides the highest level of resources to each SQL statement resulting in the highest performance, but supports the fewest number of concurrent SQL statements.

Optional low

low: undefined | string

The Low database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements.

Optional medium

medium: undefined | string

The Medium database service provides a lower level of resources to each SQL statement potentially resulting a lower level of performance, but supports more concurrent SQL statements.


