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Namespace ExportDetails

Input arguments for running a query synchronosly and streaming the results as soon as they become available.



compartmentId: string

Optional compartmentIdInSubtree

compartmentIdInSubtree: undefined | false | true

Flag to search all child compartments of the compartment Id specified in the compartmentId query parameter.

Optional maxTotalCount

maxTotalCount: undefined | number

Maximum number of results retrieved from data source is determined by the specific query used and the maxTotalCount input field. If the export results can be streamed, the maximum will be 1,000,000. If the results cannot be streamed, the maximum limit is 500 for queries that include the link command and 10,000 for the queries that do not include the link command.

Queries that include certain commands such as head, tail or stats cannot be streamed and are subject to a maximum of 10,000 results. Queries that include the sort command cannot be streamed unless the sort fields are restricted to id and/or time. The maximum number of results retrieved is the lesser of the maxTotalCount input provided and the applicable limit described above. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional outputFormat

outputFormat: OutputFormat

Specifies the format for the returned results.


queryString: string

Query to perform.

Optional queryTimeoutInSeconds

queryTimeoutInSeconds: undefined | number

Amount of time, in seconds, allowed for a query to execute. If this time expires before the query is complete, any partial results will be returned. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional scopeFilters

scopeFilters: Array<ScopeFilter>

List of filters to be applied when the query executes. More than one filter per field is not permitted.

Optional shouldIncludeColumns

shouldIncludeColumns: undefined | false | true

Include columns in response

Optional shouldLocalize

shouldLocalize: undefined | false | true

Localize results, including header columns, List-Of-Values and timestamp values.

Optional shouldUseAcceleration

shouldUseAcceleration: undefined | false | true

Controls if query should ignore pre-calculated results if available and only use raw data.


subSystem: SubSystemName

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Optional timeFilter

timeFilter: model.TimeRange


