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Namespace UpdateDrPlanStepDetails

The details for updating a DR plan step.


Optional displayName

displayName: undefined | string

The display name of the step in a group.

Example: {@code My_STEP_3A - EBS Start - STAGE A}

Optional errorMode

errorMode: model.DrPlanStepErrorMode

The error mode for this step. The default error mode for the step is {@code STOP_ON_ERROR}.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

The unique id of the step.

Example: {@code sgid1.step..uniqueID}

Optional isEnabled

isEnabled: undefined | false | true

A flag indicating whether this step should be enabled for execution. The default value for the isEnabled flag is {@code true}.

Example: {@code true}

Optional timeout

timeout: undefined | number

The timeout in seconds for executing this step. When creating a new step, if no timeout is specified, the default timeout is set to {@code 3600} seconds.

Example: {@code 600} Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional userDefinedStep


