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Namespace LBCookieSessionPersistenceConfigurationDetails

The configuration details for implementing load balancer cookie session persistence (LB cookie stickiness).

Session persistence enables the Load Balancing service to direct all requests that originate from a single logical client to a single backend web server. For more information, see [Session Persistence](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/Content/Balance/Reference/sessionpersistence.htm).

When you configure LB cookie stickiness, the load balancer inserts a cookie into the response. The parameters configured in the cookie enable session stickiness. This method is useful when you have applications and Web backend services that cannot generate their own cookies.

Path route rules take precedence to determine the target backend server. The load balancer verifies that session stickiness is enabled for the backend server and that the cookie configuration (domain, path, and cookie hash) is valid for the target. The system ignores invalid cookies.

To disable LB cookie stickiness on a running load balancer, use the {@link #updateBackendSet(UpdateBackendSetRequest) updateBackendSet} operation and specify {@code null} for the {@code LBCookieSessionPersistenceConfigurationDetails} object.

Example: {@code LBCookieSessionPersistenceConfigurationDetails: null}

*Note:** {@code SessionPersistenceConfigurationDetails} (application cookie stickiness) and {@code LBCookieSessionPersistenceConfigurationDetails} (LB cookie stickiness) are mutually exclusive. An error results if you try to enable both types of session persistence.

*Warning:** Oracle recommends that you avoid using any confidential information when you supply string values using the API.


Optional cookieName

cookieName: undefined | string

The name of the cookie inserted by the load balancer. If this field is not configured, the cookie name defaults to "X-Oracle-BMC-LBS-Route".

Example: {@code example_cookie}


Ensure that the cookie name used at the backend application servers is different from the cookie name used at the load balancer. To minimize the chance of name collision, Oracle recommends that you use a prefix such as \"X-Oracle-OCI-\" for this field.

If a backend server and the load balancer both insert cookies with the same name, the client or browser behavior can vary depending on the domain and path values associated with the cookie. If the name, domain, and path values of the {@code Set-cookie} generated by a backend server and the {@code Set-cookie} generated by the load balancer are all the same, the client or browser treats them as one cookie and returns only one of the cookie values in subsequent requests. If both {@code Set-cookie} names are the same, but the domain and path names are different, the client or browser treats them as two different cookies.

Optional disableFallback

disableFallback: undefined | false | true

Whether the load balancer is prevented from directing traffic from a persistent session client to a different backend server if the original server is unavailable. Defaults to false.

Example: {@code false}

Optional domain

domain: undefined | string

The domain in which the cookie is valid. The {@code Set-cookie} header inserted by the load balancer contains a domain attribute with the specified value.

This attribute has no default value. If you do not specify a value, the load balancer does not insert the domain attribute into the {@code Set-cookie} header.


[RFC 6265 - HTTP State Management Mechanism](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6265.txt) describes client and browser behavior when the domain attribute is present or not present in the {@code Set-cookie} header.

If the value of the {@code Domain} attribute is {@code example.com} in the {@code Set-cookie} header, the client includes the same cookie in the {@code Cookie} header when making HTTP requests to {@code example.com}, {@code www.example.com}, and {@code www.abc.example.com}. If the {@code Domain} attribute is not present, the client returns the cookie only for the domain to which the original request was made.

Ensure that this attribute specifies the correct domain value. If the {@code Domain} attribute in the {@code Set-cookie} header does not include the domain to which the original request was made, the client or browser might reject the cookie. As specified in RFC 6265, the client accepts a cookie with the {@code Domain} attribute value {@code example.com} or {@code www.example.com} sent from {@code www.example.com}. It does not accept a cookie with the {@code Domain} attribute {@code abc.example.com} or {@code www.abc.example.com} sent from {@code www.example.com}.

Example: {@code example.com}

Optional isHttpOnly

isHttpOnly: undefined | false | true

Whether the {@code Set-cookie} header should contain the {@code HttpOnly} attribute. If {@code true}, the {@code Set-cookie} header inserted by the load balancer contains the {@code HttpOnly} attribute, which limits the scope of the cookie to HTTP requests. This attribute directs the client or browser to omit the cookie when providing access to cookies through non-HTTP APIs. For example, it restricts the cookie from JavaScript channels.

Example: {@code true}

Optional isSecure

isSecure: undefined | false | true

Whether the {@code Set-cookie} header should contain the {@code Secure} attribute. If {@code true}, the {@code Set-cookie} header inserted by the load balancer contains the {@code Secure} attribute, which directs the client or browser to send the cookie only using a secure protocol.

*Note:** If you set this field to {@code true}, you cannot associate the corresponding backend set with an HTTP listener.

Example: {@code true}

Optional maxAgeInSeconds

maxAgeInSeconds: undefined | number

The amount of time the cookie remains valid. The {@code Set-cookie} header inserted by the load balancer contains a {@code Max-Age} attribute with the specified value.

The specified value must be at least one second. There is no default value for this attribute. If you do not specify a value, the load balancer does not include the {@code Max-Age} attribute in the {@code Set-cookie} header. In most cases, the client or browser retains the cookie until the current session ends, as defined by the client.

Example: {@code 3600} Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional path

path: undefined | string

The path in which the cookie is valid. The {@code Set-cookie header} inserted by the load balancer contains a {@code Path} attribute with the specified value.

Clients include the cookie in an HTTP request only if the path portion of the request-uri matches, or is a subdirectory of, the cookie's {@code Path} attribute.

The default value is {@code /}.

Example: {@code /example}


