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Namespace ReplicaOverrides

By default a read replica inherits the MySQL version, shape, and configuration of the source DB system. If you want to override any of these, provide values in the properties, mysqlVersion, shapeName, and configurationId. If you set a property value to "", then the value is inherited from its source DB system.


Optional configurationId

configurationId: undefined | string

The OCID of the Configuration to be used by the read replica.

Optional mysqlVersion

mysqlVersion: undefined | string

The MySQL version to be used by the read replica.

Optional shapeName

shapeName: undefined | string

The shape to be used by the read replica. The shape determines the resources allocated: CPU cores and memory for VM shapes, CPU cores, memory and storage for non-VM (bare metal) shapes. To get a list of shapes, use the {@link #listShapes(ListShapesRequest) listShapes} operation.


