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Namespace Promotion

Promotion information for a subscription.


Optional amount

amount: undefined | number

If a subscription is present, indicates the total amount of promotional subscription credits. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional currencyUnit

currencyUnit: undefined | string

Currency unit associated with the promotion.

Optional duration

duration: undefined | number

Specifies how long the promotion related to the subscription, if any, is valid in duration units. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional durationUnit

durationUnit: undefined | string

Unit for the duration.

Optional isIntentToPay

isIntentToPay: undefined | false | true

Speficies whether or not the customer intends to pay after the promotion has expired.

Optional status

status: Status

If a subscription is present, indicates the current status of the subscription promotion.

Optional timeExpired

timeExpired: Date

Date and time when the promotion ends.

Optional timeStarted

timeStarted: Date

Date and time when the promotion starts.



  • getDeserializedJsonObj(obj: Promotion): object
