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Namespace FlowLogCaptureFilterRuleDetails

The set of rules governing what traffic the flow log collects when creating a flow log capture filter.


Optional destinationCidr

destinationCidr: undefined | string

Traffic to this CIDR will be captured in the flow log.

Optional flowLogType

flowLogType: FlowLogType

Type or types of flow logs to store. {@code ALL} includes records for both accepted traffic and rejected traffic.

Optional icmpOptions

icmpOptions: model.IcmpOptions

Optional isEnabled

isEnabled: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether a flow log capture filter rule is enabled.

Optional priority

priority: undefined | number

A lower number indicates a higher priority, range 0-9. Each rule must have a distinct priority. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional protocol

protocol: undefined | string

The transport protocol the filter uses.

Optional ruleAction

ruleAction: RuleAction

Include or exclude a ruleAction object.

Optional samplingRate

samplingRate: undefined | number

Sampling interval as 1 of X, where X is an integer not greater than 100000. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional sourceCidr

sourceCidr: undefined | string

Traffic from this CIDR will be captured in the flow log.

Optional tcpOptions

tcpOptions: model.TcpOptions

Optional udpOptions

udpOptions: model.UdpOptions


