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Enumeration TagValueType

Specifies which tag value types in the {@code tagValues} field result in overrides of the recommendation criteria. Allowed values are {@code ANY} and {@code VALUE}.

When the {@code tagValueType} field value is {@code ANY}, the {@code tagValues} field should be empty, which enforces overrides to the recommendation for resources with any tag values attached to them. When the {@code tagValueType} field value is {@code VALUE}, the {@code tagValues} field must include a specific value or list of values. Overrides to the recommendation criteria only occur for resources that match the values in the {@code tagKey} and the {@code tagValues} fields.

For example, if the {@code tagKey} value is {@code B}, the {@code tagValueType} value is {@code ANY}, and the {@code tagValues} field is empty, overrides to the recommendation criteria occur for any resources that have the tag key B. If the {@code tagKey} value is {@code B}, the {@code tagValueType} value is {@code VALUE}, and the {@code tagValues} value is {@code s1}, overrides to the recommendation criteria only occur for resources that have the tag key B with the associated tag value s1.

Enumeration members


Enumeration members


Any: = "ANY"


UnknownValue: = "UNKNOWN_VALUE"

This value is used if a service returns a value for this enum that is not recognized by this version of the SDK.


Value: = "VALUE"


