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Interface GetShardedDatabaseRequest


Click here to see how to use GetShardedDatabaseRequest.



Optional ifNoneMatch

ifNoneMatch: undefined | string

For conditional requests. In the GET call for a resource, set the {@code If-None-Match} header to the value of the ETag from a previous GET (or POST or PUT) response for that resource. The server will return with either a 304 Not Modified response if the resource has not changed, or a 200 OK response with the updated representation.

Optional metadata

metadata: undefined | string

Comma separated names of argument corresponding to which metadata need to be retrived, namely VM_CLUSTER_INFO, ADDITIONAL_RESOURCE_INFO. An example is metadata=VM_CLUSTER_INFO,ADDITIONAL_RESOURCE_INFO.

Optional opcRequestId

opcRequestId: undefined | string

The client request ID for tracing.

Optional retryConfiguration

retryConfiguration: RetryConfiguration

RetryConfiguration to be used for the request NOTE : Retries are not supported for requests that have binary or stream bodies this also affects UploadManager operations For all requests with binary/stream bodies, retry attempts are not made


shardedDatabaseId: string

Sharded Database identifier