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Namespace PatchProhibitInstruction

A precondition operation that requires a selection to be empty, or optionally to be non-empty but include no item with a specified value (useful for asserting that a value does not exist before attempting to create it, avoiding accidental update). It fails if value is provided and the selection includes an item matching it, or if value is not provided and the selection is not empty, but ignores NOT_FOUND exceptions.


Const operation

operation: string = "PROHIBIT"


selection: string

The set of values to which the operation applies as a JMESPath expression for evaluation against the context resource. An operation fails if the selection yields an exception, except as otherwise specified. Note that comparisons involving non-primitive values (objects or arrays) are not supported and will always evaluate to false.

Optional value

value: any

A value to be compared against each item of the selection. If this value is an object, then it matches any item that would be unaffected by applying this value as a merge operation. Otherwise, it matches any item to which it is equal according to the rules of JSON Schema.


