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Namespace ListIpInventoryDetails

Required input parameters for retrieving IP Inventory data within the specified compartments of a region.


Optional addressTypeList

addressTypeList: Array<AddressType>

List of IP address types used.


compartmentList: Array<string>

List the OCID of the compartments.

Optional overlappingVcnsOnly

overlappingVcnsOnly: undefined | false | true

List of overlapping VCNs.

Optional overrideFilters

overrideFilters: undefined | false | true

List of selected filters.

Optional paginationLimit

paginationLimit: undefined | number

Specifies the maximum number of results displayed per page for a paginated "List" call. For more information, see List Pagination. Example: {@code 50} Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.

Optional paginationOffset

paginationOffset: undefined | number

Most List operations paginate results. Results are paginated for the ListInstances operations. When you call a paginated List operation, the response indicates more pages of results by including the opc-next-page header. For more information, see List Pagination. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


regionList: Array<string>

Lists the selected regions.

Optional resourceTypeList

resourceTypeList: Array<ResourceTypeList>

List of VCN resource types.

Optional searchKeyword

searchKeyword: undefined | string

Filters the results for the specified string.

Optional sortBy

sortBy: SortBy

Provide the sort order ({@code sortOrder}) to sort the fields such as TIMECREATED in descending or descending order, and DISPLAYNAME in case sensitive.

*Note:** For some \"List\" operations (for example, {@code ListInstances}), sort resources by an availability domain when the resources belong to a single availability domain. If you sort the \"List\" operations without specifying an availability domain, the resources are grouped by availability domains and then sorted.

Optional sortOrder

sortOrder: SortOrder

Specifies the sort order to use. Select either ascending ({@code ASC}) or descending ({@code DESC}) order. The DISPLAYNAME sort order is case sensitive.

Optional utilization

utilization: undefined | number

The CIDR utilization of a VCN. Note: Numbers greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER will result in rounding issues.


